UK Charity Registration No. 1098705
How You Can Help

BY MONTHLY STANDING ORDERS. We have a daily expenses fund into which all monthly donations are paid. This is our daily working fund which sustains our work with the street and slum Children. We cannot allow this fund to fall as it pays our monthly bills and therefore the core of our work is sustained by monthly Standing Orders. Contributions range from £2 per month, £5 per month or £10 per month.

However, donors may contribute to our work and to the lives of the children with any monthly amount to which their generosity extends.


BY MAKING A ONE OFF DONATION. In addition to our daily expenses fund, the charity has a capital fund from which special items are purchased. We encourage the girls in our sewing class to set up their own home based businesses and to start them off we pay half the cost of a sewing machine. Each girl pays the remaining half. In our diesel mechanics class we give each boy who successfully finishes the course a reward of a set of tools to start them off in their working lives. In our pre-school class we give each child starting school a starter kit of books, writing materials etc. YOU can contribute by adding to this fund or by purchasing a specific item in a specific class. For example, a sewing machine costs £45, a toolkit £25, a starter kit £15.Or just make a contribution of your choice.


BY SPONSORING A SPECIFIC CHILD. In Each year we try to identify children , in our pre-school, who, through their ability and commitment, deserve some further sponsorship. Sponsorship takes the form of sending the child to a fee paying school where classes have an emphasis on English, thereby broadening their future prospects. The number of children we can help in this way depends on the number of sponsors. YOU can sponsor a child to the tune of approximately £15 per month, which will cover books and fees.


Visitors to the Website may be interested in an overland journey that two hardy explorers, from Bradfield, made to India. In September 2004, Mike Green and Alan Pritchard set off in a Bedford Camper van. Because the Foreign Office advised against crossing the Iran/Pakistan border, the route had to skirt the border by sea. Hence the drive was through Europe to Istanbul, across Turkey along the shores of the Black Sea and into Iran. Then through Iran, via Teheran, to Bandar Abbas. From here we embarked on a car ferry to Dubai. At Dubai the vehicle was transported by container ship to Bombay. The drive continued from there to Goa. A detailed write-up of events can be found on the link below. ANY SUCH IDEAS TO RAISE MONEY ARE WELCOME.


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